





从考古发现看,巴蜀文化的发现与研究明显滞后于中原文化,尤其是巴蜀地区出土的大量独具特色的青铜兵器,如虎纹戈、三角援戈、柳叶剑等,是探讨巴蜀文化与中原文化关系的最好资料。 From the archaeological discovery, the discovery and research of bashu culture is slower huanghe river culture, especially in bashu region unearthed a large number of unique bronze weapons, such as tiger stripes, triangle aid, willow leaf sword, etc, is to investigate the bashu culture and central plains culture relations the best information. 本文所述青铜兵器皆出土于关中西部的宝鸡地区,其中大部分是国墓地考古发掘,不但器物组合资料完整,而且时代准确。还有一些虽然属于零星征集品,但有前者作参照比较,因此其年代与文化属性也基本相同。这些兵器的出土范围虽然属于黄河流域的中原与关中文化圈,但却与巴蜀地区出土的兵器有着千丝万缕的联系。 Described in this article bronze weapons were unearthed in western guanzhong of baoji area, most of them are the cemetery excavations, combination not only implements data is complete, accurate and age. There are also some of the same kind of collection, but there is a comparison of the former, so it is also the same as the cultural attribute. The excavations of these weapons, which belong to the central plains and the cultural circle of the Yellow River basin, have been linked to the weapons found in the area of bashu. 虎纹戈 虎纹在各种巴蜀兵器上最为常见,虎纹戈是一种地域性极强、文化特征十分显著的兵器,因此也就成了巴蜀青铜兵器的显著标志。这些虎纹多用写实手法刻划,外形简洁、清晰,昂头张口,虎尾下拖或上扬并卷曲,虎头部神态平和,身形短小,并不十分威猛。 Tiger stripes amraphel Tiger stripes on all kinds of bashu weapon, the most common tiger stripes is a kind of strong regional, cultural characteristics and remarkable weapon, so it became a significant symbol of bashu bronze weapons. Score of the tiger stripes multi-purpose realism, appearance is concise, clear, the first mouth, huwei drag or rise and curly, tiger head calm demeanor, little, not very brave.


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