The influence of religion on the development of sculpture.
In the west, this period is called the Middle Ages (also called the
Middle Ages). It covers the period from the end of the classical period
to the Renaissance. This long day was dominated by Christianity, so
Christian art came into being. In this period, the sculpture abandoned
all kinds of classical laws about natural proportion, and sought a more
suitable image with various forms and elongated proportion. This kind of
sculpture, which is treated with abstract French, makes every part of
the work full of vitality. This form of sculpture reflects the
sculptor's desire to combine body and soul, and this artistic style
innovation has become the forerunner of the great Gothic sculpture in
the 13th century.
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In the same way, there was a religion in the East - Buddhism. Buddhism
was born in India, the birth of Buddhism also led to the development of
Buddhist art, especially Buddhist sculpture. As far as Buddhist
sculpture is concerned, Indian achievements in this field are obvious.
Indian exploration of visual art is basically three-dimensional. In
India, sculpture, architecture and even painting can be represented by
the three-dimensional concept of tactile perception. Their sculptures
are not intended to imitate the object, but to create a generalized
form. These sculptures have a strong sense of weight, so as to achieve a
performance of texture, three-dimensional space, and monument momentum.
After the Han Dynasty, Buddhism was introduced to China, and then to
Japan and other places